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First-Time Students

The first step to planning for college

Admission and testing requirements vary depending on whether you're a freshman, transfer, graduate, or international student. Find out if you're eligible and the next steps as you prepare to apply to Sonoma State University.​

Admissions Reconsideration


Sonoma State University's Annual Security Report includes summaries of institutional policy relating to campus safety, drug and alcohol use, sexual assault, and other matters. The report is published in compliance with the Clery Act and includes three years of certain crime statistics that occurred in Clery Act defined geography. A paper copy of the report may be requested in person by emailing the Clery Compliance and Safety Office at

Pursuant to the Higher Education Opportunity Act, the Annual Fire Safety Report (AFSR) is now available for viewing at The purpose of this report is to disclose statistics for fires that occurred within Sonoma State University student housing facilities for three years, and to distribute fire safety policies and procedures intended to promote safety on campus. A paper copy of the AFSR is available upon request by contacting the Residential Education and Campus Housing at